Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) is the medical specialty responsible for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment, both medical and surgical, of diseases in the nose, sinuses, farinje, larynx, ear and general structures inside the face and neck.
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) is the medical specialty responsible for the medical and surgical prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, ear and general structures inside the face and neck. Otorhinolaryngology thoroughly considers these organs due to their connection, high likelihood of getting sick together and their close functional relationship.
The functionality of organs belonging to the face and neck must be preserved when intervening them for aesthetical purposes.
Additionally, trauma, oncological, plastic, aesthetic and restorative surgery on face and neck should also be treated by the otorhinolaryngologist and specialist in head and neck surgery.